Friday, May 20, 2011


Skeptical Squirrel just saw his shadow.

This is IRREFUTABLE PROOF that the Rapture occurs May 21st 2011. I reckon that it'll work exactly like how them computers started teh World War Third on January 1st, 2000. WE GONNA DIE. Except for me that is. I'm a proud and outspoken believer in whatfore' religion dat believes in 4.21.2011. Yes sir. At Midnight sharp, God's beeming' me up reel good. Us real faithful folk ar' be sittin on the gold starship's, haulin' round' all of outside space. BeYond the crystal windows, we'll be watching the solar planets explodin with dem' locusts and fire and swine Earth people are like AHHHHHHH why did't they send someone believeable to warn us....and it'll be crazy...

Hahaha I'm just messing with y'all.

Everyone knows 2012 is the reel end o' th' wurld...

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