Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sierra Winter

These photos are from Sequoia National Park, on February 28th 2011. Most were taken around Giant Forest and Lodgepole. Castle Rocks and Milk Ranch Peak:
Sapling with redwoods:

Snow falls off higher branches:

I'm in this photo to demonstrate just how big those icicles are: Tunnel Log:

Giant Forest Musuem is closed:

Ice hanging from the musuem windows:

Looking back toward the Central Valley:

General's Highway, after being plowed out yet again. Last I read, this was the Sierra Nevada's 2nd or 3rd snowiest winter on record.The high that day was 42 degrees, but you wouldn't know from looking at this creek: Snow crushes the bridge outside of Lodgepole parking lot:

The railing is about three and a half feet high. I walked over it anyway. There was no actual danger of falling into the water, because the snow engulfed my legs before I could begin to slip anywhere. Moro Rock:

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